What a last couple of days we've had here at the offices of Just Say No To Fraudamedics!!! Unbelievable!!!! Firstly, I just wanted to say thankyou to all the feedback we are getting in the "comments" section of the blog! You can also send your comments to certified-paramedic@hotmail.com!! We've been getting an extraordinary response from people all over the world, literally hundreds of emails have been pouring in everyday. The message is getting out! More on the "comments" a little later. On wednesday October 11th, 2006 a newspaper posted the following article relating to cayman islands EMS, here it is:
Ambulance service lacks staff
By Alan Markoff, alan@cfp
Wednesday 11th October, 2006 Posted: 16:02 CIT (21:02 GMT)
Despite a couple of hiccups recently, the Cayman Islands Ambulance Service continues to serve all districts in Grand Cayman on a 24–hour–per–day basis.
Ambulance Service manager Stephen Duval acknowledged that the service did not have all its stations open for a 12–hour period recently.
“We had one or two cases where we had to close a station because of mechanical problems or in urgent circumstances when we’ve fallen short in staff,” he said.
In one case, two of the service’s four vehicles were recalled for replacement of their wire harnesses, Mr. Duval said.
In addition to the mechanical problems, Mr. Duval said the service also faces an extreme staff shortage.
“But we’re in an aggressive recruitment process right now,” he said. “We’ve conducted quite a few interviews recently.”
In the interim, Mr. Duval said the staff members are being paid overtime to make sure there is island–wide 24–hours–per–day ambulance service.
“Only on rare occasions have we had had to close a station,” he said.
The government’s Ambulance Service operates from three strategically placed stations, with locations in West Bay, George Town and North Side.
Even if one station closes, all of Grand Cayman is still serviced by the other two stations, although response times could lengthen.
If forced to close a station in an emergency, Mr. Duval said North Side is not the preferred station to close because of its longer response time.
Mr. Duval said the service had a long–term plan to alleviate the staffing problems.
“Our goal is to develop a local training programme to get young, suitable people to come into the service,” he said.
“If we can train and recruit locally, it will go a long way in helping the sustainability of the Service. That’s the ultimate goal.”
This guy stephen Anthony Duval I have to admit is a gem. He really is. First he states that there was "1 or 2 cases of station closures due to mechanical problems and staff shortages". The mechanical problems he speaks of left West Bay station closed for the majority of 2 months along with the ongoing mechanical problems of the other ambulances! Also, for all the sun, fun, palm trees, clear ocean and tax free money, why is there a staff shortage????? Interesting question. Because maybe all this so called ranting and raving of this blog might have some valid truth?? Like the FOUR paramedics who ALL left within a 1 month time period recently. Maybe there is some truth that CERTIFIED paramedics don't like to be lied to in interviews, work with fraudamedics, work with racists and forced to work with no equiptment and ambulances that break down every week!! These are the truths this blog speaks about! I as the editor of this website have given sufficient proof of the fraudamedics false licenses and constant lies!!! Think about it for a second, if it was so great to work there, why has almost every ex-pat paramedic left the service while I was working in cayman?? For paramedics applying to the cayman EMS service you must ask yourselves these hard questions and investigate this fraudulant EMS manager deeper yourselves. You owe it to yourself, you will find what we are posting on this blog is the truth!!! Now for a couple of comments I received with a reply:
To the author of this blog.....
I have an idea. How about putting up a copy of the trip report where Stephen Duval gave a patient in Sinus Tach with pulses Atropine?
How about mentioning that they couldnt provide basic equipment and supplies on the ambulances that actually ran (such as C-Collars, non-expired medication, ice packs, etc.). There are no protocols, no QA/QI or other oversight process, and therefore, no way to really regulate the poor/dangerous medicine being practiced by this agency.
Did you metion that the "EMT" that didnt know what a nasal cannula was, was actually a MA from the medical floor who they had to reassign to the ambulance since she kept screwing up on the floor?
So to the guy commenting, The person that you are doubting his certification, I can verify that he is certified, as I have seen all of his cert's, and know where he works. He is not the only qualified medic that left the HSA due to the horrible work conditions and racist treatment by co-workers. This goes way back. If you check the recent cayman compass, you will see where Mr. Duval along with his lies stating that he only closes stations in emergencies (although he had them SCHEDULED to be closed periodically in Sept. and October)he stated that they are agressivly recruiting. This is because so many people have left recently. And people hate working there. Even some of the locals can't stand the place.
This is not a case of disgruntled employee syndrome. It is a case of medics being totally mistreated and taken advantage of by the HSA. It is a case of medics being lied to in their interviews, and mislead in the recruitment process. It is a case of being "lead" by an ignorant, underqualified fraud, who couldn't find his ass with both hands and a map.
Althought the author of this blog is sometimes a little harsh, and emotional, he does speak the truth. He is in fact a very smart guy, a great medic, and would give the shirt off his shaved back to help someone out.
REPLY FROM EDITOR: Excellent truthful post!!!!!Hello Blogster!
Nice! Give them all you have!
Break em' down.
I think I'll enjoy this. I had a very short stint a few years back and know some of what you speak of.
I think I'll join in your quest of total Annihilation (career wise of course)of the service, if you can HONESTLY state why, since you are so concerned about human beings health, you are so principled and prehospital care standards concerned, etc., that you are no longer with the HSA in the Grand Caymans? Please give me a good answer, that I can join you on an allied quest.
Why leave all the tourist, since it's apparent you hate the locals, to suffer. I think a blog about coward, yellow bellies, hypocrits needs to be posted. Technically, you ARE a FRAUDAMEDIC too! Unless, you have a good answer for me.
Try working in LA, CA and then you can talk about problems! I can send you an application so you can come join my service and then start a blog about that too.
REPLY FROM EDITOR: Thanks for the post west side, read the blog and all your questions will be answered, I dont want to join your service, the service I'm with is amongst the best in the world with a population of 6 million people! If you dont like your service that much feel free and write your own blog:)It may seem that God is unfair when He puts us to the test. Why should He allow, or even cause some tempting situation to come across your path? Why should we be responsible for how you react, if it is He who laid it there for us to find?That may not be the whole story. God may have witnessed many of your sins and negligences. He may be aware of something we might have done or will do if we are not arrested in our path of sinfulness by coming across a chance to do ill, and being caught red handed, be stopped. Does God tempt us in these ways? He does. Why does He do it?He lets us be tested like this so we may know what we are made of, or we may prove our trust in Him. Eve saw the fruit, and that it was good to eat. God made the fruit and the commandment not to eat it. God set the test, and she failed, as did her husband. Do we then lay the blame at His feet?
Whether we do or not, He takes responsibility for us at that juncture. God did not destroy the human couple, but set them in a world of tests and hardships. They needed the experience, and to see what their disobedience cost them. In time He would send His Son to become man and to take the whole mess upon His own shoulders, giving us the greatest test of all: Who is Christ to you?
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted.” James 1:12-14 “ Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1 Cor. 10:12-13 “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God… Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God… Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” St. Matthew 4
REPLY FROM EDITOR: This is not the John Hagee tele-seminar on christian faith. Please stick to the subject at hand and look at the people ruining your service, you know as well as I do they are fraudamedics who lie and cheat to get what they want. So before you preach the Holy gospel with quotations to suggest that there is a moral problem with this website I suggest you start quoting the Gospel to your fellow co-workers down under in cayman and maybe there wouldn't be a need for a blog like this!!!
MATTHEW 7 VS. 1-2 " judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged: and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."