Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Anonyomus" wants names, challanges validity of blog content

Ahhhhh, the comments are pouring in! In particular, I would like to address three that were posted by a fan named "anonymous".

Firstly Anonymous said...
"Hey guys funny blog!
One thought though...maybe these guys are Nationally Registered?
What about the Cayman Brac guys? I know them from FL and they are all NREMTs or FL State EMTs? Most ARE locals too!
I'm not even sure you have the heep of evidence that you claim to have."

When you say "all" do you mean ALL? I am not familiar with the Bracker’s but I have been told that they actually do CME's/ training there and are regarded to be a good group of people. To any CERTIFIED Bracker’s....YOU ARE PROFESSIONALS! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Let us keep in mind that this blog is about UNCERTIFIED fraudamedics, THEIR deplorable work ethics, scams, and lack of professionalism. The thought that these individuals may have National Registry did in fact cross my mind......that is until I viewed the entry requirements to be an NREMT. It appears that one must actually be valid in the United States to be nationally registered. The following excerpts were cut and pasted from on the national registry's website at . Can you count how many times the words "accepted Cayman Islands training program" appear??

Paramedic Entry Requirements

All individuals applying for NREMT-Paramedic registration must meet the following requirements to be eligible for national registration:

1) Applicant must be 18 years of age or older.

2) Current National Registry or state certification at the EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate/85 or EMT-Intermediate/99 level.

3) Successful completion of a state-approved EMT-Paramedic educational program, within the past two (2) years, that equals or exceeds the behavioral objectives of the EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum as developed and promulgated by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

4) If the candidate's initial EMT-Paramedic educational program was completed more than two (2) years ago and the candidate has maintained state certification at the EMT-Paramedic level, the candidate must submit documentation verifying completion of a current EMT-Paramedic refresher-training program within the past two (2) years.

5) If the candidate's initial EMT-Paramedic educational program was completed more than two (2) years ago and the candidate has not maintained state certification at the EMT-Paramedic level, the candidate should refer to the "NREMT-Paramedic Re-entry Policy" section on this site.

6) If the candidate's initial EMT-Paramedic education program was completed more than two (2) years ago and the candidate had never gained state certification at the EMT-Paramedic level, the candidate must complete a new, state-approved EMT-Paramedic educational program prior to application.

7) Truthfully complete the felony statement on the application and supply the documentation if necessary.

8) Truthfully complete a statement, which indicates the applicant has not been subjected to limitations, suspensions, or termination of his/her right to practice in a health care occupation or voluntarily surrendered a health care license in a state.

9) Submission of current approved CPR credential for the professional rescuer. Verification may be in the form of an instructor signature or copies of both sides of a current card which attests to competency over the following skills: adult, 1 and 2 person CPR; adult/child/infant obstructed airway maneuvers; child and infant CPR.

10) Signature of the EMT-Paramedic Education Program Director or the service director of training/operations verifying competence in the EMT-Basic skills as listed on the NREMT-Paramedic application. Applications submitted for each re-examination must also be completed and signed by the EMT-Paramedic Education Program Director or the service director of training/operations. Whenever the practical examination or a portion of the practical examination is also being tested.

11) Submission of a completed application attesting to the above requirements with fee; the official application must be signed by the Physician Medical Director of Training/Operations, attesting the candidate is in good standing within the education program or service and that he/she has completed the requisite education.

12) Successful completion of the NREMT-Paramedic written and practical examinations.

Lapsed Registration

To be reinstated once EMT-Paramedic National Registration has lapsed, the candidate must:

If lapsed within a two-year period, document successful completion of paramedic refresher training that meets all objectives of the National Standard EMT-Paramedic Refresher Curriculum within the past two (2) years; submit a new application and fee; and successfully complete the NREMT-Paramedic written and practical examinations.

If lapsed beyond a two-year period and still currently state-certified at the EMT-Paramedic level, document completion of paramedic refresher training that meets all objectives of the National Standard EMT-Paramedic Refresher Curriculum within the past two (2) years; submit a new application and fee; and successfully complete the NREMT-Paramedic written and practical examinations.

If lapsed beyond a two year period and state certification at the EMT-Paramedic level has not been maintained, the candidate must apply to re-enter the Registry via the EMT-Paramedic Re-entry Policy.

Re-Entry Policy

Entry and/or re-entry into the National Registry may be granted to a previously state-certified or Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic provided he/she:

Officially documents completion of a DOT EMT-Paramedic Training Program after January 1, 1977.

Shows satisfactory evidence to NREMT of prior state certification as an EMT-Paramedic.

Has current status as a provider or instructor in ACLS by the American Heart Association.

Completed either PHTLS or BTLS as a provider or instructor within the past two (2) years.

Has completed a state approved DOT EMT-Paramedic Refresher Training Program or completes forty-eight (48) hours of ALS training that overviews the topical content of the DOT EMT-Paramedic Refresher Training Program.

Has a letter of approval from the state EMS office in the state where the applicant works or is to work. This letter should show the state's support of the applicant's taking the examination.

Successful completion of the NREMT-Paramedic written and practical examinations.

Therefore, to comply with these requirements they must have a CURRENT state registration or a letter from the state in which they work and to have national registry; and this would reflect as an ACTIVE status in the state of Florida rather than EXPIRED, or UNFOUNDED. (Hawaii is the only island state)

Michigan State Website address is
Florida State Website address is

Just type in your favorite fraudamedic. Be sure to check all levels of EMT's!! By the way.... since you were so nice to point out my spelling errors; learn how to spell HEAP.

Secondly Anonymous said...
"Dude... before you start slagging these so-called "Fraudamedics," I'd make sure that my own business is in order. Two words of advice: SPELL CHECK. Use it, and I guarantee that you won't come across as big of an ass as you probably are."

Anonymous which is worse...a spelling error or a medication error? Please refresh my memory, does Epi 1:1000 go IV bolus for adults? How about diphenhydramine for fevers? Does a esophageal intubation really "diffuse oxygen across the diaphragm"? Seems to me anyone that has had valid training or is CERTIFIED should know the answer! Could it be that they are fraudamedicing????

Finally Anonymous said...
"Hey, Certified...
Let's see your registration documents and CME's, since you are so hell bent on ragging on these guys.
Hell, let's have your REAL NAME! It's all nice and fine to be flaming others with this site, but how are we to believe that YOU are what YOU claim to be? Where can WE go to confirm that YOU are actually certified and legally allowed to call yourself a Paramedic? Or is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Hmmmm.... ?"

My real documents? Hmmmm. If my memory serves me correctly, I think I had to provide that to the Cayman Islands government to get my work permit. Go to the Health Council's office and ask to see any expats file because expats MUST be certified to get a job! Remember, I have to prove that I offer something that is not able to be filled do they say that...." a suitably qualified Caymanian?" The next part is the best! A person named ANONYMOUS wants my real name....I love it!

Stay tuned!! We are now #1 on Yahoo and #4 on Google; that’s higher than Mount Trashmore!