Monday, September 25, 2006
U.S.A., Canadian and U.K. Paramedics-PLEASE READ
Dear curious paramedics,The cayman islands is trying hard to recruit you to come to "paradise" and work. Paradise not only consists of palm trees and white sand but a healthy work environment with a team commitment to excellence and patient care, which does not exist. To bad the palm trees and white sand are the only good thing here to enjoy. As for the employment here this is the only way I can explain it, "career suicide"!!!!! This blog is really for the paramedics around the world who are considering working here in the cayman islands and would like a fair and honest assessment by past paramedics who have worked here and present ones as well. In the upcoming weeks this blog will state factual evidence backed up by paperwork, current news reports and testimonials from all sorts of paramedics. Hopefully this will help you make an educated decision if you would like to work here. Also, we will also provide a fair and equitable platform here from all sides of the fence so that the local emt's can also contribute ( this means they will have to bring there dictionaries and thesaurus' if they want to contribute in writing:) In closing due to the impending exodus from many current paramedics, the HSA will be pushing hard to recruit you...stay tuned for all the facts and fun:)
Judy Miller Slams the Paramedics Again!!!
HR manager of the HSA Judy Miller is great at slamming, paramedics that is....Former Cinical Co-ordinator of EMS Jason Dardano was owed over 25 thousand dollars in monies owed to him by the HSA upon completion of his tour here at the HSA on september 15th, 2006, instead Judy Miller does what she does best and royally screws him up with a paycheck grand total of just under 5 thousand dollar paycheck, thats 20 thousand short Judy, just in case you dont know the math!! thanks again for taking care of us paramedics Judy, such a loving canadian gal she is.......have no fear Jay, apparently rumour has it that another CERTIFIED paramedic is on the case, along with the labour board.....other interesting news here in the cayman islands has another CERTIFIED paramedic being suspended because the health council did not approve his paramedic license, wait a minute, hold the press, you mean Dr. Vlitos the dentist didnt certify him? Who is this guy? ohhh, he's the dentist who is in charge of certifying the paramedics, that makes total sense now:).....i guess they have enough local certified guys here that are paramedics, NOT!!!! to start off with the manager hasnt been certified in over 5 years( fear not, in the next week here on this blog, pictures, profiles and copies of all the local workers EXPIRED certifications will be posted here for proof and a good laugh) and is it possible you say?? yes, i think there also may be a charged criminal working in the EMS department, proof will come in the form of a certified criminal record check( coming shortly for all to see and peruse at your leisure:) .........i will continue posting some more great events and news in the upcoming days, this is just a taste....P.S. Hope your kids dont get sick here in the cayman islands:)
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