Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Some Of The Upper Echelon Characters From This Tragic Comedy...

Dr. Tamer Tadros is the "Medical Director" who you never see, not a real hands on type of guy..."Medical Director" you say?? mmmmmmmm, I wonder what the definition is of a proactive medical director?? Hands on, meets with all medics regularly, conducts CME's, cares about staff training and current certifications perhaps just to name a few...Your lucky if you see or hear from this guy twice a year, and one of those times will be at the rotary club:)
Apparently Shirlene Henriques the former CEO of the HSA is now over working at the allied council board, the same board that fraudulantly certifies expired paramedics, in other words, FRAUDAMEDICS!! Remember the Cayman EMS manager fraudamedic Stephen Anthony Duval? She was the one who hired him!!!!! And it gets better, read this Cayman Net News quote a couple months back:
"Mr Eden said the Council for Professions Allied with Medicine was now composed of Elaine Campbell, Chairperson; and, Dr Jamal Khan, Deputy Chairperson, along with Stephen Duval, Joan Terry and Estella Scott-Roberts."
Unnnnnnbelievable, oh my god, say it ain't so grandma, you mean to tell me the UNCERTIFIED fraudamedic Stephen Anthony Duval who has an expired national registration and is scrambling to get certified in ACLS is on the board that's suppose to certify people as paramedic's and emt's in the Cayman Islands?????? I scratch your back, you scratch my back, right shirlene!!!! Keep up the great work gal!!!!! Ta Ta

Some Of The Most Professional Certified Paramedics I Know....

On our left we have Martin Amos and Tracy Gibbs...Martin is loved by all and truly is the consumate professional....His wife is a joy to talk to and he has been there on the island for 8 loooooong years....Gotta hand it to him, I don't know how someone can stay there that long, the man is tough as nails not to mention one of the best paramedics I know.....
Tracy is also a delight to work with who has a wide range of knowledge and experience to back it up...She is a friendly gal who takes her profession very seriously and always thinks of the patient first...She is an excellent person if you have to talk about boy problems or gal problems:) Good luck Tracy..........

Not All Are Fraudamedics....Some Take Pride In There Job!!!

For instance, we have Debra Gaffigan and Junier Ferguson to the left, Debra is a dedicated employee who pays out of her own pocket to travel to the U.K. to maintain her paramedic CERTIFICATION!!!!!! You go girl!!
And on top of that she teaches ACLS and CPR/First Aid.....And yes, she maintains and keeps current her teaching CERTIFICATIONS as well....A pleasant and funny gal to work with....Truly dedicated to her profession!!!
Junier is also an up and comer who is a dedicated EMT-B and who will no doubt make a great paramedic someday....Hopefully he can get around managements bullshit and get the time and the funds to go to paramedic school...Junier is one of the nicest fellows there is and he is extreamly keen on learning although he will hold a dollar tighter than a chicken's ass........Good luck Junier, great guy to work with!!!!

Fraudamedics Unmasked!!!!!!

Dennis Fennell (shorter) and Gifford prendergast(taller) in the background of this photo-

Dennis Fennell- Who failed the michigan state exams and school exams! On the staff schedule he's listed as an EMT-P, ya right. Dennis is the one with the delightful personality. You just feel like driving a 12 inch steel nail through his head every time you look at him....keep up the great work dennis, Dennis is off the "rig" because he has a supposed back injury. Instead the "brilliant" Stephen Duval lets him come in the office where he surf's the internet all day long and goes outside and chat's with his friends the security guard staff all the while still collecting 3000 a month for all the hard earned contributions he makes to EMS while surfing the internet for car parts, way to go Dennis, keep up the hard work, hopefully the cocktail of anti-depressants your on will make your eyeballs straighter:)

Gifford Prendergast- this guy is registered as an emt but thinks hes a paramedic and knows it all!! hes been off the job now for almost 3 years now with a "back injury" and now he's the acting supervisor, scary... he hurt is back with that "child touching" incident a couple years ago:), hopefully jiffy doesnt trade his taxi in for a childrens school bus, he has never been the same, if you know what i mean:)

Another Fraudamedic At Large!!!

Sherman Myles- click on the black shade on the left, who proclaims he passed the state boards and is now being paid as a paramedic!!!! he's nowhere to be found on the florida registry as a paramedic..Figure that one out! If you have a secret this is not the guy you want finding out, from the East End to the West Bay and all the way to the Northside, everyone will know.........This boy just cant shut his fraudamedic ass up.......

Kendal Connor, We Hope You Get Well...

Hey Kendal, hope you get well soon, if you don't know how to read this just get an ex-pat to read it to you, nice haircut by the way, must have been cut while on duty:)

Steven Mclaughlin a.k.a. "The Black Panther" His Email:

Click on the shaded area to the left to see the "Black Panther" white man hater in the flesh!!!!!!!!!!!