Dr. Tamer Tadros is the "Medical Director" who you never see, not a real hands on type of guy..."Medical Director" you say?? mmmmmmmm, I wonder what the definition is of a proactive medical director?? Hands on, meets with all medics regularly, conducts CME's, cares about staff training and current certifications perhaps just to name a few...Your lucky if you see or hear from this guy twice a year, and one of those times will be at the rotary club:)
Apparently Shirlene Henriques the former CEO of the HSA is now over working at the allied council board, the same board that fraudulantly certifies expired paramedics, in other words, FRAUDAMEDICS!! Remember the Cayman EMS manager fraudamedic Stephen Anthony Duval? She was the one who hired him!!!!! And it gets better, read this Cayman Net News quote a couple months back:
"Mr Eden said the Council for Professions Allied with Medicine was now composed of Elaine Campbell, Chairperson; and, Dr Jamal Khan, Deputy Chairperson, along with Stephen Duval, Joan Terry and Estella Scott-Roberts."
Unnnnnnbelievable, oh my god, say it ain't so grandma, you mean to tell me the UNCERTIFIED fraudamedic Stephen Anthony Duval who has an expired national registration and is scrambling to get certified in ACLS is on the board that's suppose to certify people as paramedic's and emt's in the Cayman Islands?????? I scratch your back, you scratch my back, right shirlene!!!! Keep up the great work gal!!!!! Ta Ta