Dennis Fennell (shorter) and Gifford prendergast(taller) in the background of this photo-
Dennis Fennell- Who failed the michigan state exams and school exams! On the staff schedule he's listed as an EMT-P, ya right. Dennis is the one with the delightful personality. You just feel like driving a 12 inch steel nail through his head every time you look at him....keep up the great work dennis, Dennis is off the "rig" because he has a supposed back injury. Instead the "brilliant" Stephen Duval lets him come in the office where he surf's the internet all day long and goes outside and chat's with his friends the security guard staff all the while still collecting 3000 a month for all the hard earned contributions he makes to EMS while surfing the internet for car parts, way to go Dennis, keep up the hard work, hopefully the cocktail of anti-depressants your on will make your eyeballs straighter:)
Gifford Prendergast- this guy is registered as an emt but thinks hes a paramedic and knows it all!! hes been off the job now for almost 3 years now with a "back injury" and now he's the acting supervisor, scary... he hurt is back with that "child touching" incident a couple years ago:), hopefully jiffy doesnt trade his taxi in for a childrens school bus, he has never been the same, if you know what i mean:)