Here is the Cayman Net News article followed by editor's response:
Ambulance services deals with its own emergencies
Despite the sudden resignation of almost 15 percent of its staff, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is not about to come crumbling down, the organisation's Manager said.
Stephen Duval said the hasty departure last week of four experienced staffers would have minimal effect on the Cayman Islands EMS operations, which is under the Health Services Authority.
Mr Duval said that all ambulance related emergencies have been attended to promptly and effectively despite the staff constraints.
The departing paramedics and emergency medical technicians painted a negative image of the EMS, stating the Cayman Islands is at risk due to insufficient emergency responders.
Some of the expatriate paramedics and EMTs have created a website to criticise the running of the EMS and the ability of those left behind to provide full coverage for the Island.
Mr Duval confirmed that four of his staff had left for a variety of reasons but stopped short of saying what the fallout was all about.
However, he said all three ambulance stations - George Town, West Bay and North Side - were operating smoothly.
"We're currently short of staff but we have staff that is committed and diligent in working additional shifts in making sure all stations are opened on a 24-hour basis," he said.
"Ideally we would like to have 28 but right now we're functioning on a very tight shift."
Added to the manpower, he said that all four ambulances were functioning well and were equipped with advanced life support, airway management, cardiac care, obstetrics, pharmacology and other services.
Mr Duval said there were weaknesses in the system but plans were being developed to rectify them.
"You will have weaknesses in any system and I will be the first to identify our weaknesses as well as our strengths," he said.
"We would love to develop our EMT programmes and have a broader range continuous education programme. Our constraints right now are because of our staff shortage."
Mr Duval said a new dimension would be added in the recruitment process, which is underway to replace the former employees.
"Within our recruitment process we will be looking at key individuals that are not only paramedics or EMTs but instructor trained with long experiences," he said.
The head of the EMS said the new target group would be paramedics and EMTs who could double up as emergency workers and tutors, saying they would complement the system.
Since the departure of the four unnamed expatriate workers, the EMS has been forced to rely on 20 clinically functioning officers with one individual on extended sick leave, and another on study leave.
Mr Duval said the long-term plan is to develop the Islands' EMT programme to an accredited level.
He explained that the programme might have a broad range of nationalities but it could be tailor-made for Cayman, given its dive industry and unique traumas.
The departing officers questioned the validity of the certification of some of their remaining colleagues, saying that many of them had expired documents.
A charge denied by Mr Duval who stated that his staff were currently certified by the local health council, even though they may have allowed their US or other certification to expire.
"Contracted officers are required to be registered in the State that they are from, once they come to the Cayman Islands they're to register with the health practice council in Cayman and maintain in-service required hours," he said.
"Contracted officers go through an orientation period where they follow our policies and procedures and they also become used to our protocols because they differ from state to state or island to island."
Mr Duval said the EMS is always looking out for Caymanians who are interested in a career in pre-hospitality emergency medicine.
Response From Editor: Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are getting some admittance of responsibility from the oil-slick salesman talking Stephen Anthony Duval..............Fraudamedics are finally being exposed, I particularly love this comment by Stephen Anthony Duval:
"The departing officers questioned the validity of the certification of some of their remaining colleagues, saying that many of them had expired documents.
A charge denied by Mr Duval who stated that his staff were currently certified by the local health council, even though they may have allowed their US or other certification to expire."
I love it!!!!!! "they may have allowed their U.S. or other certification to expire", that's just great..... what a comment!!! This is what this blog has been proving all along, if they ain't certified they ain't SHIT.... That's just like saying, "gee, my Cayman Airways pilot today has an expired license but I think I'll fly with him anyway". You CANNOT be giving narcotics to patients when you have EXPIRED licenses, it's NOT the professional thing to do Mr. FRAUDAMEDIC Duval!!!! The next 2 quotes are also pretty pathetic lies although consistent with the slimeball fraudamedic that Stephen Anthony Duval is:
"Contracted officers are required to be registered in the State that they are from, once they come to the Cayman Islands they're to register with the health practice council in Cayman and maintain in-service required hours," he said.
"Contracted officers go through an orientation period where they follow our policies and procedures and they also become used to our protocols because they differ from state to state or island to island."
Unbelievable!!!!!!! The lies just keep coming from this guy's mouth......."maintain in-service required hours"???????? What the hell is this guy talking about!! What in-service is he talking about, there is no in-service hours.....That's right folks, in the 2 years I worked there I did a grand total of 10 in-service hours!!!! And they weren't even put on by the EMS department!!! They were put on by the nursing department!!!! Figure that one out.....The next quote I love even more about the policies and procedures...What policeies and procedures are these fraudamedics talking about???????? What protocols are they talking about????????? THEY DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!! Your basically thrown on the rigs with no direction, policies, procedures and protocols. Then your forced to work with fraudamedics and a "child toucher"!!!!!!! What a lovely place to work!!! On top of that, you have to wait 2 WEEKS in order to get paid your overtime with no reasonable explanation!!!!Another quote:
"We're currently short of staff but we have staff that is committed and diligent in working additional shifts in making sure all stations are opened on a 24-hour basis,"
Oh give me a break Mr. Fraudamedic Duval, your kidding me, I would love to see how many station closures there were in the last 3 months, not including the scheduled closures on the off duty.....lies, lies, lies, they just keep coming, this guy should run for public office!!! Yet he wants to operate 2 additional stations soon, good luck!! Another quote:
"Since the departure of the four unnamed expatriate workers, the EMS has been forced to rely on 20 clinically functioning officers with one individual on extended sick leave, and another on study leave."
"Extended sick leave" you say????? Ohhhhh, you must be talking about the fraudamedic Dennis Fennell who is on the off-duty listed as an EMT-P and is on full-time sick leave because of a supposed "back injury" and still works at the Ritz-Carlton hotel........Is that what you mean??? In my country that's called FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another quote:
"Within our recruitment process we will be looking at key individuals that are not only paramedics or EMTs but instructor trained with long experiences," he said.
Ohhhhhhhh, you mean like Jason Dardano was a Certified Paramedic/Instructor or Roger Smyth was a Certified Paramedic/Instructor????? You mean like those guys??? These 2 guys were 2 of the best the United States had to offer and yet you still treated them like shit!!! None of the fraudamedics ever showed up to 1 of there in-services they tried to put on and constantly poked fun at them because they came from America!! What a great team!!!! The fraudamedics never wanted to learn from day 1, they always seem to "know it all"!!!! Lies, lies and more lies......The good news is, your getting caught in all these fraudamedic lies and FINALLY being EXPOSED!!!!